20 online jobs that you can start today

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Online jobs are receiving a great reception because it allows you to earn money from the comfort of your home, require little or no investment, and you can start today.

For the vast majority of these online jobs, you don’t need prior experience or advanced technical skills.

It would be best if you had the disposition, the time, and the desire to start earning money from your home with these online jobs.

Online jobs to earn a living from home:

online jobs

Here I have compiled a list of jobs that you can do online and earn a living from the comfort of your home.

You can also see this list with ideas to earn money online with little investment and start building your financial independence.

These Internet jobs depend more on your capacity for persistence, creativity, and perseverance than the money you must invest in starting it.

1. Online Surveys

If you dedicate yourself to paid surveys, you could earn an exciting amount of money working two or three hours a day online from your home.

Large companies require to improve the offer of their products and services. That is why surveys exist: to know the tastes, preferences, habits, and behaviors of people.

All you need is a computer with an internet connection, time, and a great willingness to start earning money to carry out surveys.

You do not need to have college degrees, since these companies need to know different audiences, so your profile fits the survey.

There are many websites; you can sign up for all of them and increase your chances of making money online. The most important thing is that you have to subscribe to your country of residence; otherwise, the website will not work for you.

In the same way, it is essential to complete the first survey, and in this way, you will get registered, and companies will begin to send you new surveys.

Below we have the list depending on your country so you can start these jobs online today itself:

  • – Lifepoints
  • – Surveyeah
  • – Toluna
  • – Opinion Center
  • – I-Say in Spain
  • – iSurveyWorld


This platform goes beyond surveys. TimeBucks is a rewards site that pays you to watch videos, watch fun slideshows, install applications, follow people on Instagram, among others.

You can live anywhere in the world to earn money with Timebucks.

2. Trading stocks and Forex online 

Negotiating online is one of the online jobs you can do. If you are a student, a housewife, or have a child to take care of, you can start this kind of online job today.

It would be best if you learned how the market works before you start trading your money online.
For this, there are platforms with demo accounts to learn how to trade online.

These are financial derivative instruments, so you need to understand how it works well before trading with your real money.

Disclaimer: CFDs are complex instruments and have a high risk of losing money quickly due to leverage. 80.5% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. It would be best to consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to risk losing your money.

3. Create a Blog

To start a blog, you only need the disposition to start. We have published a step-by-step guide, where you can learn how to create a blog from scratch in less than 10 minutes.

There are many ways to earn money with a blog. The most popular methods are Adsense (Google’s advertising network), affiliate programs, selling your products and services, among others.

To start a blog, you first need to choose a topic to publish content in your blog. Then, select the name of your blog and domain, which is of utmost importance.

4. Work online making transcripts

What does this online job consist of?

Get raw data from recordings, images, or videos and convert them into text.
If you want this job to be profitable, you must have the skills to listen and write quickly, otherwise, it will become tedious to be repeating audio or a video.

If you are considering this job to earn money in your free time, focus on industries such as medical, legal, media, and entertainment, they are the ones that pay the best for your services.

5. Generate income by triangulating shipments

The dropshipping, better known as triangulation shipments, is one of the most lucrative online businesses you can do today.

In essence, it consists of creating an online store to promote and sell a third party’s products, except that you should not be in charge of making their respective shipments since this will correspond to the manufacturer itself.

It is a win-win relationship both for whoever makes the products – since you help them promote their products on your website – and for you because you can generate significant income with each online sale you make.

That is why the term “triangulation” is attributed to it since shipments are essentially triangulated between the seller, the supplier or manufacturer, and the final consumer.

Dropshipping , an expanding business:

This is one of the most profitable home businesses of the moment and one of the easiest to start since you don’t need a warehouse to keep inventory.

It means that you will not have to face an extensive series of logistical aspects related to the shipments made to consumers, which usually require a lot of time, money, and effort.

This business model has become an imminent trend, mainly because electronic commerce expands globally, thus generating millions of dollars in sales.


If you want to start dropshipping, you can check Salehoo, one of the best platforms to start your dropshipping business. It is a supplier directory that allows you to find suppliers, prices, and stores online in a matter of minutes.

It can even tell you profit margins, comparing your suppliers, and other useful information to start importing from China.

6. Content Writing Jobs

The rise of written content has made writers in high demand for work.
Among the most outstanding online jobs, if you are a writer, you can write content for a blog, media writer, write comments and emails, among many other options that can generate good income and even build a profitable business on the internet.

7. Become an Airbnb host

More than an online job, this option is a perfect way to earn money with those spaces that you are not using at home.

It consists of becoming a host on Airbnb, and you publish those spaces (rooms, attics, living rooms, or entire houses) that you are not using so that travelers/tourists stay there.

You define the rules, conditions, and prices of the place to utilize your available space, and you can earn money with it while meeting people from all over the world.

Additionally, you can use the Airbnb price calculator to calculate more or less how much your income will be.

If you are going to travel, you will publish your apartment and earn money while traveling.

8. Affiliate Marketing

The earnings you can generate with this online job are more attractive but require more effort than the other options.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

 It consists of establishing a relationship with an online seller or merchant and recommending their products to your audience.

The way to earn money is you receive a commission every time someone buys or invests in the seller’s product or service via your promotion or recommendation.

You must recommend the products you have used for this type of online work. You know they are of good quality and fit your audience.

If you recommend or promote every single product or service, it doesn’t make sense, and you can lose even your reputation when you recommend products for merely generating a sale.

These are the most prominent affiliate marketing programs:

  • Amazon Affiliates,
  • eBay,
  • ClickBank,
  • LinkShare,
  • ShareASale, among others.

9. Get online jobs as a freelancer

Being a freelancer is one of the best online jobs you can get if you have specific skills.

In other words, if you master a particular skill, digital or not, you can offer your services as an expert to people around the globe.

Among the outstanding online jobs for freelancers are web page design, logo design, content writing, social media management, virtual assistance, programming, SEO, and much more.

The complicated thing about this type of online job is getting your first clients. To start, you can offer your services on platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork.

10. Teach and tutor online

If you have skills to teach and explain different subjects, this can be a great skill for your online jobs to earn a living from home?

Depending on your knowledge, you can teach different audiences, ranging from college students, university students to professionals seeking to enhance their professional knowledge.

What is required for this type of online work? 

It would be best to have a high-speed internet connection, a Skype account, and prepare a series of online courses for your avatar audiences. 

The topics you can teach are almost limitless.

There are a lot of topics you can teach online such as Affiliate Marketing, blogging, Languages, Marketing, SEO, Computer Languages, and much more. 

Without a doubt, this is a good idea to earn money online. 

11. Online Jobs on Fiverr

Beyond being a job to earn money from home, Fiverr is a platform that offers you a massive number of online jobs.

The services offered there range from $ 5 per task; Depending on your work, experience, and popularity, you may start to charge more for your services.

The good thing about this platform is that it exposes you to global demand for your services. No matter what your job is, there will surely be someone who needs your services somewhere in the world.

tFiverr’s job is to connect with these people so that you can sell your skills and generate income from your home or anywhere in the world.

12. Domain Flipping

If you check sites like GoDaddy and Namecheap, a domain’s regular price is somewhere between $10 or $ 15. Except for those premium domains that are worth hundreds and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This type of online work requires some creativity and luck since it is about buying domains that you think will need it in the future, someone else, or a company.

This business does not require much time since you have to buy, and wait is a kind of investment.

You should figure out what keywords you should look for, what brands are associated with them, and how long you are willing to endure.

Many of these domains may never sell, but if you manage to sell just one, you will be able to recoup your entire investment.

Make sure not to choose a domain that includes a brand name, as they could legally take it away from you, and you would lose your money.

13. Website Flipping

It is another type of internet job similar to the sale of domains, but it requires more work.

What does it consist of?

You must buy a domain, create a website from scratch and grow it, both in community and income.

Later you can sell it in market places such as Flippa or Flipempire for 12, 15, or up to 20 times more than the monthly income it generates.

Many people with these online jobs are dedicated to creating websites, turning them into profitable businesses, and then selling them. It’s kind of like a cheap franchise of your ability to monetize on the internet.

To start this business, you can buy hosting on Bluehost and receive a free domain for a year to save this cost.

14. Online Jobs on Social Media

Two online jobs can generate income in the world of social networks.
The first and best known is to be a community manager and manage different people or companies’ social networks.

The second job online is to become an influencer and recommend products and services from companies. The key here is in the traction and popularity you can achieve.

It means that your publications have a good reach, the people who follow you are faithful ambassadors of your brand and respond to your invitations.

With this option, you will start earning money when companies and brands want to promote their products through you, so that you can share their products in your social network community.

15. Sell Products online

If you have a product or have things in your office or at home that you no longer use, you can sell these things on Amazon, eBay, OLX, etc.

Another option you have in the digital world is inter-mediation, which I have explained in point four. You can buy products in China and resell them on online platforms, social networks, or physically.

An important factor in keeping your inventory to a minimum so that you don’t lose a large amount of money if you make a substantial order and cannot sell everything.

You should sell products on demand. Get an image of the product you want to sell, publish it, get purchase orders, and then ask your supplier for it.

16. Become an expert in Digital World

There are several online jobs in the world of digital marketing that you can do from home.

Among the most prominent are social media executives, SEO experts, digital advertising analysts, sponsored content marketers, and bloggers.

Because this sector of the economy is booming, you can generate exciting income by getting good accounts to manage.

17. Online Job with YouTube Channel

There are many ways to earn money on YouTube. However, one of the most profitable internet jobs with this social network is to become a YouTuber.

To achieve this, you must create a YouTube channel, start creating exciting content that adds value, informs, or amuses; upload these videos to your channel, be too constant and start receiving your payment.

In the beginning, it will be difficult for you to bring people to your videos, so create accounts on your social networks and share your videos there.

18. Sell infoproducts

If you have good writing skills or specialists in a particular subject; Like fashion, fitness, video games, marketing, etc., you can create an info-products from scratch and then market it digitally and create highly profitable work from home business.

Through these digital products, you can sell your knowledge, and these types of products are gaining an impressive boom in this era of Internet communications.

These types of educational products are based on your expertise in a specific field. If you also have an excellent reputation or have a digital community, you can also create your products and promote them online.

Stand out and deliver value to achieve success:

It is essential to clarify that it is not about writing something to get out of trouble. On the contrary, you must ensure that your info product solves your audience’s problem, or in any case, it satisfies its most latent needs so that it can be consumed massively.

Generating valuable content is vital to achieving success with an info product, and if you dedicate yourself to doing it well, you can be sure that it will generate a good income for you.

This type of online work is one of the most profitable at present, mainly because you can diversify your formats and topics to cover more exciting and valuable niches for your potential clients.

19. Work in Data Entry

Have you ever heard of Data Entry? Today it is one of the best-paying online jobs of the moment.

Its literal translation is “data entry” and consists of inserting data into a specific information system professionally or systematically.

It is advantageous and beneficial for companies to make good business decisions, activate advertising campaigns, or launch new products.

Currently, almost all companies subcontract this service virtually, so that in most cases, their demand is high and very well paid.

20. Solve captcha images

Have you ever been browsing a web page, and it has asked you to select multiple images to verify that you are a real person and not a robot?

These are captcha images, and if you solve them efficiently, you could generate good additional income every month.

You have to register on the platform, especially for this type of image, such as 2captcha, and solve them. 

Without a doubt, it is one of the most curious online jobs that you can do in your free time without even leaving home. Besides, one of its main attractions is that you can collect your money the day after completing your tasks.

These assignments will take no more than a few minutes a day, and in fact, you can complete them from your smartphone no matter where you are.


Dare to generate significant income monthly just by working a couple of hours a day in the profession that you like, attract, or interest, and you will see that your pocket will deeply appreciate it.

Each one of these online jobs can become your primary source of income. If you try, you can make your professional life from any corner of the planet.

Indeed, these online job options you just read will help you turn your finances around without leaving home, without meeting schedules and being your boss.

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